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Business Tips

3 tips to grow your startup brand through PR

The struggle for startups is that they don’t have enough connections to start with and this causes a delay in reaching the people they are intended for. However with some hard work and useful tips along the way; a brand can reach its full potential and start to stand out from the crowd. Here are 3 tips that demonstrate why using PR can really help to get your startup brand going and get your foot in the door of the PR world.

Integrating PR into any startup brand contributes to a long-term solution for growth and media exposure, early product traction and interested investors. PR to grow your startup is just as important as any other form of advertising, as Bill Gates quotes:"If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on PR".

The struggle for startups is that they don’t have enough connections to start with and this causes a delay in reaching the people they are intended for. However with some hard work and useful tips along the way; a brand can reach its full potential of standing out from the crowd.

Here are 3 tips that demonstrate why using PR can really help to get your startup brand going and get your foot in the door of the PR world.

It’s cost effective

We all know that life in a startup business or brand can be tiring, as a lot of energy and time is spent on making everything work perfectly before and after the product/service launch. So, you’re unlikely to want to faff around working out the right marketing for you and the cost hassles that come with it. Thankfully, PR can easily be the solution for startups as it’s cost effective compared to other channels in the marketing mix, such as advertising, and is often a much more credible source to entice potential clients.

Telling your brand story

Secondly, each brand or product has a great story behind it all, we would call this your ‘brand story’. Customers who are interested in your product are going to be interested in your brand story, so it’s vital that you get this across in an engaging and unique way. For example, a visual display of your story will in fact increase your exposure as online audiences are more likely to engage with this type of content. Once you’ve edited and refined your brand story you need to push it out across to as many channels as possible, as we’ve said many times before here on JournoLink, social media is your friend!

Twitter as an opportunity

Leading on from the second point, Twitter is a great way to bridge the gap between yourself and the PR community. You can do this by connecting with relevant journalists, by commenting on their work and getting your brand name out there as a way of introducing yourself. This way, you can keep up-to-date on upcoming and relevant news related to your brand and be able to spot windows of opportunity to present yourself at the right given time to reach maximum exposure.

To learn more about how Twitter can be a great tool for your brand exposure, read our previous blog about 3 ways to embrace social media opportunities. 

There are many reasons why implementing PR into a startup brand is a good idea as to how it can help your brand to stand out and gain the exposure that you’ve been hoping to achieve. It comes down to what you believe is the best for your brand but remember, “if you don’t tell your story, someone else will,” so why not decide to be the first?

Written by: Claire Eggleshaw Redoutet, Marketing Intern

Claire adds and contributes to our online material such as blog and twitter posts, she fundamentally helps us maintain the more social media aspect of JournoLink. As a new member of the team, she hopes to gain maximum experience whilst also helping us connect to the wider public.

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