Period pains crippling women in the workplace

Wondered if you'd be interested in covering a story on how period pains are hindering progress at work for women?

Period pain is the no. 1 reason why girls and women under 30 are absent from work. It's the 2nd most common reason after child sickness for women over 30.

It's been a passion of mine to raise awareness that we actually don't have to be in pain. Surprising as it may sound, period pain isn't normal, any more than eye, back or pain in your knees.

I'm sure you've probably seen the many hashtags surrounding periods lately: #periodpoverty, #freeperiods #periodpain etc..

Even though there's so much women are doing to gain equality in the workplace, periods still remain quite a taboo topic for many and is still a cause for work absence and lateness (cue in the MP Danielle Rowley who was late to House of Lords due to period pains).

We've started a campaign in secondary schools, raising awareness that through things like diet, nutrition & staying away from toxic beauty/hygiene products, we can actually get rid of period pain, for good!

I'd love to have a chat if you're interested in helping us raise awareness about the many things women can do to get rid of period pain, so it doesn't affect quality of life.

I'm available for phone/radio and t.v interviews.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Rosemary Umolu

About me:

I'm a Medical Herbalist and founder of House of Rosemary - helping women get rid of period pains, naturally. You can find out more about us here and contact us on 0747 899 5415 or Twitter is @hseofrosemary and Facebook is HouseofRosemaryUk

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About House of Rosemary

As a Medical Herbalist, I help women get rid of period pains, so they're not knocked off track each month. Our core drive is raising awareness that period pain isn't normal, and educating teens and women on how they can live with more energy and vitality every day of the month (yes it's possible :-). We've started a project in secondary schools where we run workshops/talks talking to young girls about how to have a more positive experience with their periods. N.B Medical Herbalists are practitioners trained in the medical sciences, and use medicinal plants to treat diseases. We use the same clinical skills as GPs to diagnose, but treat conditions from a holistic angle.