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Business Tips

How to make an ‘irrelevant’ media request relevant to your business

Media Relations Executive Camilla Holroyd outlines her tips for responding to vague media requests

Whether you receive JournoLink’s targeted media requests or search Twitter for #journorequest, you may see some which seem to be irrelevant to your business. This could be because they don’t relate directly to your industry sector or maybe they don’t relate to business at all.

However, it is important to note that they can still be a great way to gain coverage when approached in the right way. And if you are looking for pieces of advice about the structure of a good response, you can read our previous blog

My role at JournoLink involves me building relationships with journalists, and helping small businesses get in the media. From my experience of the media requests that JournoLink receives I’ve put together my top tips to respond to ‘irrelevant’ requests, and the benefits of doing so.

1) General Business Requests:

As I mentioned a lot of people often dismiss requests if they are not directly linked to their industry sector.

Some requests will focus more on the running of your business rather than what your business actually does. But this doesn’t mean that your business won’t be mentioned or spoken about in the article.

Journalists will often write a one line introduction to the business, and most online publications will hyperlink the company name to the website. For example,

Gemma Guise from JournoLink, an online PR platform connecting small business with the media, says…

The journalist may be looking for comments from businesses on how to approach online marketing.

On the surface this may seem to be aimed at marketing companies, but if you have previously run a successful marketing campaign then sharing your tips and experiences would be great for the article and helpful to the journalist.

Think about what you found that worked well? What you could have improved on? Plus, what you’d recommend to others? Not only will this provide extra exposure for your business, but it will also show yourself as an expert in an area other than your chosen industry.

2) Lifestyle Requests:

Some lifestyle requests may seem run-of-the-mill and unlikely to bring anything back to your business, for example looking for people who love to cook may not shout ‘this will be great coverage’.

However, if you think about how this aspect of your life has helped or hindered your business it can be a great way to bring the article round.

Think about whether the request links back to the reason you started your business. For example, did your love for cooking lead you to start your own food range or restaurant?

It could also relate to how you run your business. Is cooking a way to wind down after a long working day or does cooking help you think over important decisions?

Share your ideas with the journalist, and don’t be afraid to ask them to discuss this further so you can find an angle that works well for you both.

Lifestyle requests like this are common in glossy magazines and consumer publications, so could possibly introduce your business to a wider audience and customers you hadn’t thought of targeting before. If you have tried to pitch to these publications before this can be a great way to get your foot in the door and start to build a relationship with the journalist, meaning they may also approach you directly for future requests.

If you would like more information about how you can get more media coverage for your business, sign up for our email updates here.


Written By: Camilla Holroyd, Media Relations Executive

Camilla is the all-important portal between JournoLink's businesses and journalists; connecting them on a daily basis through press releases, Twitter engagements and editorial requests.

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